
Monday, June 25, 2012

you were specially made

Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them. ~ Lady Bird

" Mark, do you want to be a politician? " 

This was my question to Mark my CP (Cerebral Palsy) student one morning. He was so restless that day. He was walking, standing, roaming around when I caught his attention. He just smiled and ignored me. When I called his name again.... he said, "why ma'am?" I told him that I noticed him walking around like politician during campaign period. In my surprised, he laughed out loud and said, " I do not want to be a politician, they are liars." 

That incident made the day extra special. Why?... Special children are really unique. They have something uniquely, originally in them. It, again proved that though they are not mentally equal compared to most children, they still can observe, realize and conclude. We can say that what Mark uttered that morning was nothing to him. He might just said it unintentionally; he might have no basis; he might not have any acquaintances to any politician. He might forgot everything he said because in one way or another he's not aware of it. After we made a short conversation, he left me. He left me still wondering why he said that.
He joined with his other classmates and laughed together.

I observed them and smiled..... I opened my locker and got my journal for another anecdotal record. I wrote my observation that day. What I saw, what I felt, what I experienced . I kept my record with the details I wrote in it as I kept everything in my heart.

~ alter ego

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